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Stock Market Closing Report - 12/8/20 December 8, 2020

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Dow Jones Close 12/9/14 Stock Market Closing Prices

By Tim - - Twitter @stockstobuy -

Stock Market Closing Prices - December 9, 2014

Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close - 17801.20 Down 51.28
Nasdaq Stock Market Close - 4766.47 Up 25.78
S&P 500 Close - 2059.82 Down 0.49

Commodities Closing Prices - 12/9/14

Gold Close - 1230
Silver Close - 17.07
Oil Close - 63.78
Natural Gas Close - 3.63

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 17801 on 12/9/14, as the stock market dropped hard in the morning but rallied back.  We have been seeing year end selling in some of the growth stocks like TSLA, YELP, and TWTR due to under performance which spooked the market over the last two days.  All three bounce big time this morning and were strong all day long.   Keep an eye on earnings from Restoration Hardware (RH) tomorrow night.   We will be watching this stock closely in the stock picks group.

As of the close today, IsoRay (ISR) is the top penny stock gainer of 2014

As of the close today, RadNet (RDNT) is the top stock gainer of 2014 above $2

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