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Stock Market Closing Report - 12/8/20 December 8, 2020

Friday, October 25, 2013

Endurance International (EIGI) Stock - Buy or Sell?

Endurance International (EIGI) Stock - Buy or Sell?  Buy EIGI IPO on a break through the high of the day today for a quick trade, keep a tight stop.

Endurance International (EIGI) stock will IPO today on the NASDAQ.  Priced at $12 per share, he EIGI IPO priced well below the expected $14-$16 range.  That isn't good news for the stock but sometimes the market gets things wrong, we'll see.

EIGI will be offering over 21 million shares which is a lot for a little-known company.  They should have price 5 million shares at $60 or something like that.  When IPO's pop, they draw buzz, EIGI won't be drawing much buzz today.  However, when EIGI stock opens for trading, watch the low and the high.  If the EIGI IPO breaks through the high, it might have some legs.

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