Stock Market Close August 21, 2015 - The stock market had one of it's worst closes since 2011 as the death cross is scared a lot of people. Media outlets such as CNBC will cite growth concerns but our economy is doing just fine. The fact of the matter is Oil crashed which caused China to crash. With these two factors already making investors nervous, the chart for the Dow Jones, S&P 500, NASDAQ, and Russell 2000 are seeing bearish technicals which was a sell signal.
Stock Market Closing Prices 8/21/15 August 21, 2015
Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close - 16459.75 Down 530.94
Nasdaq Stock Market Close - 4706.04 Down 171.45
S&P 500 Close - 1970.89 Down 64.84
With such a selling event currently spiking the volatility index, I would now buy the stock market as we are in a typical 5-10% bull market correction. Check out my Stocks to Buy 2015 report and go shopping on Monday and Tuesday. Volatility = Opportunity, never forget that!
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