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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dow Jones Futures 7/22/13 Stock Market Futures

By Tim - - Twitter - @stockstobuy -

Stock Market Futures for 7/22/13

The Dow Jones and Stock Market dropped on Friday.  Will the stock market go up or down on Monday? Keep tabs on the stock market futures which will predict the open on Monday. If you are a stock trader or investor, check out my stock picks group. We are making some big trades in there right now. Sign in and sign up.

2013 Biggest Stock Gainers - Click Here

Stock Market Futures - July 22, 2013

Dow Jones Futures - Up 29
S&P 500 Futures - Up 4
NASDAQ Futures - Up 8
Gold Futures - 1317
Silver Futures - 19.96
Oil Futures - 108.62
Asian Markets ( Nikkei ) - 14658.04

Dow Jones Close 7/19/13 Stock Market Closing Prices

By Tim - - Twitter @stockstobuy -

Stock Market Closing Prices - 7/19/13

Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close - 15543.74 Down 4.80
Nasdaq Stock Market Close - 3587.61 Down 23.66
S&P 500 Close - 1692.09 Up 2.72

Commodities Closing Prices - 7/19/13

Gold Close - 1313
Silver Close - 19.85
Oil Close - 108.28
Natural Gas Close - 3.73

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 15471 on 7/19/13, as the stock market traded flat.  RetailMeNot (SALE) IPO'd Friday rallying 32%.  In my opinion, the stock will rally into the $30's by the end of August.   Keep an eye on earnings from NFLX Monday night.   We will be watching this in the stock picks group.

As of the close today, Ecotality (ECTY) is the top penny stock gainer of 2013
As of the close today, Revolution Lighting (RVLT) is the top stock gainer of 2013 above $2

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