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Thursday, August 14, 2008

XTO Energy ( XTO ) CNBC John Najarian Opinion 8/13/08

I wrote about XTO Energy on July 25th, 2008. John Najarian came on CNBC in the morning talking about how big money was flowing into options by the way of calls.

On August 13th, 2008- John Najarian again mentioned this over the past two days XTO call buying was up huge.

Is it time to buy XTO Energy? If you think Oil is done going down, then Yes! XTO is a hyper stock mover and the stock moves a lot bigger then the commodity itself. This can set you up for huge gains if you are right! I would suggest scaling in over time.....buying little pieces here and there.

I thought Oil bottomed yesterday but today we plunged again but has come back to $115. The USO has been beaten up severely. Personally, I love XTO below the $44 mark. I will be buying heavily if XTO goes below this. I also like Chesapeake Energy CHK as well.

Fast Money Recap 8/14/08 - CNBC Fast Money Stock Picks

Fast Money Stock Picks 8/14/08 (1:00pm edition )

Jeff Mackie
Oil: Oil is trading like the trend is broken
Bulk Shipping Stocks: I have respect for these stocks because they are following through from yesertdays stock rally. DRYS especially
Target TGT: Target is rallying huge today....I think it is a sell here!
Guy Adami
Any pull back in this stock should be bought...they have done everything right!
GS: Don't bet against Goldman Sachs!
Quint Tatro
UYG: I like this stock
SMN: Keep an eyes on this stocks
Tim Seymour
I am not buying this rally
UYG: I think you can take a shot on this stock
Oil Sector: Watch out for mergers and aquisitions!

John Najarian - take a look at Nvidia NVDA....surge in call buying...also surge in call buying with WPI

Technical Analysis: Visa ( V ) Ivanhoe Energy ( IVAN ) Stock Charts

This morning I updated my Visa ( V ), First Solar ( FSLR ), DryShips ( DRYS ), and Ivanhoe Energy ( IVAN ) technical analysis stock charts.

Visa ( V ) is one that really sticks out to me as this stock is getting ready to move hard one way or under. It has formed triangle pattern and is near the breaking point, either a break out or a break down. A close below $69 would be a break down....a close above $76.40 could start a nice breakout. Keep an eye on this stock!

The Haynesville Shale stocks have been hot over the past few days.....CHK and XTO. Keep an eye on these stocks as they have gotten slaughtered over the past month. If Nat gas and Oil move higher these will move even bigger.
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