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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dow Jones Futures 12/5/11 Stock Market Futures

By Tim -

Stock Market Futures for 12/5/11 - Updated 12/4/11

The Dow Jones and Stock Market dropped were flat on Friday. Will the stock market go up or down on Monday? Keep tabs on the stock market futures which will predict the open on Monday.

Stock Market Futures - December 5, 2011

Dow Jones Futures - Up 98
S&P 500 Futures - Up 13
Nasdaq Futures - Up 21
Gold Futures - 1742
Silver Futures - 32.63
Oil Futures - 101.40
Asian Markets ( Nikkei ) - 8696

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Dow Jones Close 12/2/11 - Stock Market Closing Prices

By Tim -

Stock Market Closing Prices - 12/2/11

Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close - 12019.42 Down 0.61
Nasdaq Stock Market Close - 2626.93 Up 0.73
S&P 500 Close - 1244.28 Down 0.30

Libor Rates - 12/2/11 - Mortgage Rates

Commodities Closing Prices - 12/2/11

Gold Close - 1751
Silver Close - 32.69
Copper Close - 3.58
Oil Close - 100.96
Natural Gas Close - 3.58

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 12019 on 12/2/11, as the stock market traded flat ahead of the most important week for Europe as far as fiscal reform. The EU summit will wrap up on Friday in hopes of announcing a bold plan to stop the contagion on the European crisis. Whether or not it will be to late will be a debate saved for early 2012, but Wall St. is going to be expecting big things out of the EuroZone. Anything less will cause another leg down in the markets.

Check out my Stocks to Watch Report for Monday

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