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Stock Market Closing Report - 12/8/20 December 8, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020

Dow Jones Futures 4/20/20 April 20, 2020

Stock Market Futures for 4/20/20 April 20, 2020 - Twitter @StocksToBuy

The Dow Jones and Stock Market are in recovery mode after the Coronavirus caused the market to crash.  Will the stock market go up or down on Monday?  Keep tabs on the stock market futures which will predict the open on Monday.  If you invest or trade stocks, check out the links below to view my stocks picks for 2021.

Stock Market Futures - April 20, 2020

Dow Jones Futures - Down 398
S&P 500 Futures  - Down 43
NASDAQ Futures - Down 89
Bitcoin Price - 7,120
Gold Futures - 1692
Silver Futures - 15.35
Oil Futures - 13.56
Asian Markets ( Nikkei ) - 19,669
Dow Jones Futures - Tomorrow

Dow Jones Close 4/17/20 Stock Market Closing Prices

Stock Market Closing Prices - April 17, 2020

Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close - 24,242.49 Up 704.81
Nasdaq Stock Market Close - 8,650.14 Up 117.78
S&P 500 Close - 2,874.56 Up 75.01
Tesla (TSLA) Stock Closing Price - $751
Bitcoin Price - 7,070
Twitter - @StocksToBuy

Commodities Closing Prices - 4/17/20
Gold Close - 1694
Silver Close - 15.33
Oil Close - 18.12
Natural Gas Close - 1.76

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 24,243 on 4/17/20, as the stock market jumped Friday.  The White House released plans to reopen the USA last night and the market soared.  We also received an unverified report that one of GILD's drugs may be able to help people who catch Covid-19.  The company did not verify the data however.  Shares of Tesla (TSLA) rallied up near $770 as shareholders get ready for a grand reopening of the Fremont plant on May 4th.  As for the stock market, he Dow Jones will see major resistance between 24,000-25,000.  As for my long term investments, I own Tesla (TSLA), Beyond Meat (BYND), Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), and S&P 500 Bull 3x (SPXL).  Check out my Top Stock Picks 2021.  I also updated my Coronavirus Stocks page.

Check out my Top Penny Stocks 2021 page for my latest penny stock picks.
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