
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Twitter (TWTR) IPO Date - Likely November 2013

Twitter (TWTR) IPO Date - Likely November 2013

Twitter plans to IPO under the ticker symbol TWTR but we don't know which exchange yet, either the NYSE or NASDAQ.  In a filing just released, the Twitter (TWTR) IPO gave us a little look under the hood and they are growing fast.  Twitter (TWTR) stock will be red hot as the company plans to only raise $1 billion on the IPO.  This means if TWTR prices at $40 per share, only 25 million shares will be released to the public.  The Facebook (FB) IPO failed because they issued to many float shares.

I will 100% be buying the Twitter IPO!  The stock should open for trading at some point in November.

2012 Revenue spiked 197% to $317 million.

Check out more IPO's -
