
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dow Jones Close 12/20/16 Stock Market Closing Prices

Stock Market Closing Prices - December 20, 2016

Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close - 19974.62 Up 91.56
Nasdaq Stock Market Close - 5483.94 Up 26.50
S&P 500 Close - 2270.76 Up 8.23

Commodities Closing Prices - 12/20/16

Gold Close - 1133
Silver Close - 16.10
Oil Close - 52.22
Natural Gas Close - 3.30

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 19975 on 12/20/16, as the stock market ended higher.  The Dow Jones continues to soar after Donald Trump was elected President.  Expect even higher prices in the years ahead as we undo a lot of the negative policies implemented by President Obama.  Shake Shack (SHAK) and Small Caps 3x Bull (TNA) are strong buys on all major pullbacks.

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